Marjorie Oron
Marjorie is one of a handful of Level Ix Romana’s Pilates Instructors in the world. She is certified to give all seminars including advanced and test all levels for the Romana’s Pilates Instructor Training Programme. Marjorie is in high demand around the world as she is an immensely knowledgeable, intuitive teacher with an attention to detail and highly trained eye that make her approach to the work unique and inspiring. It is an honour to be taught by Marjorie as her passion for the work and her expertise will guide you to new heights. Not only is Marjorie’s skill to give Pilates session unparalleled her amazing ability to present to a group and inspire while challenging and generously giving away her knowledge make her one of Romana’s Pilates most popular and most sought after teacher trainers.
Marjorie was a professional dancer and trained at the Rotterdam Dance Academy and went on to dance with the modern jazz dance company “Djazzex”. Four years later, she moved to New York to join the world famous classical ballet company “Dance Theatre of Harlem”.
During her time in New York she was introduced to Romana rand Classical Pilates as she had a serious ankle injury. She studied with Romana to become a Pilates instructor and once certified she opened the first Authentic Pilates studio in Holland in 1994. She continued to study with Romana Kryzanowska for decades and was hand chosen by Romana to start the first Classical Pilates teacher training programme in Europe.
The Pilates Studio in Holland has continued to be a centre for excellence and has become a home for learning of the now many pilates trainers and studios in Europe and the USA. The Pilates Studio in The Hague was the first recognized studio in Europe and had the honour to be opened by and receive the blessing from Romana.
Marjorie’s contagious energy, sense of humour, knowledge and undeniable talent make her one of the world’s most inspiring teachers.

Pilates Studio
Keizerstraat 32
2584 BJ Den Haag
070 350 8684
In 1994 opende The Pilates Studio in Den Haag haar deuren als eerste Pilatesstudio van de Benelux. In het jaar 2000 werd tevens een locatie in Rotterdam geopend.